Monday, August 22, 2011

It is clear that I am guilty of blog-neglect

I now see that I have neglected to babble more than two sentences at a time to the delightful people who read my brain droppings. Surely, it cannot be that I have done nothing interesting or noteworthy since my discovery of stretchy pants. I suppose in some circles just the wide variety of unbridled gluttony that I have taken part in while growing my spawn would be considered interesting. And, in the absence of alcoholic beverages, it seems eating really is my primary source of entertainment...eating & staring lecherously at other people's martinis. I am also largely amused by mockery of my own new eating habits. If I were a good and faithful blogger, I would have shared my opinions on new restaurants or recipes I have tried. Although, I'm not sure that "entire bag of Reese's Pieces" or "some sort of sandwich that I sucked down my vacuum face before I really identified the contents" qualify as noteworthy epicurean incidents. Let it be known, for my spawn's sake, that I have also included healthful foods like fruit, vegetables, yogurt & salmon. Well, at least it is now clear why I've not had time to write any blog posts. I accidentally ate my laptop.